Learn about the most exciting online game

by editormanagewp

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak early this year, many of us have been forced to self-quarantine at home. This has been a new experience for most people who used to leave home to go to work or school every day. All this free time can make one’s life very uneventful, especially when they’re just idling inside the house. One way of beating this boredom is by playing online games and competing with other players from across the world. RuneScape is one of the leading and most engaging online games, currently boasting over nine million active accounts. It is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), which has always ranked one of the most popular MMORPGs globally.

1.How RuneScape is organized

RuneScape is operated by Jagex Ltd, a leading British developer for video games. It can get played from any computer from any location across the world. Since it is an online game, one needs to be connected to the internet, and the game can run on ordinary Java-capable web browsers. Once a player creates an account, they can log in and compete with other players who are also active at the same moment.

2.Is the game free?

Although it has some features that need a subscription to unlock and use, RuneScape is a free online game. The membership fee is optional, but it comes with extensive content as compared to the free version. Upon the subscription payment, a player can unlock 75% of the world map, get new skills, and participate in lots of new quests. The subscription charge is set at about $8 and is worth paying.

The game also features some other items up for purchase to unlock more skills and quests. One can purchase RuneScape Gold from www.4rsgold.com. Gold is used in the game as a currency to buy and unlock features.

3.Does the game feature advertising?

The free version of the game features advertisements for it to raise money and support the free content. The adverts appear above the playing screen. However, players who have paid their membership fees do not have any advertisements appearing on their gameplay screen.

4.RuneScape Gameplay

Players travel through a fantasy realm known as the Gielinor realm that is divided into kingdoms and regions. Each region has unique materials, monsters, and quest challenges. Players can travel through these regions by using magical spells, mechanical transportation means, or on foot.

RuneScape’s competitiveness is in the form of combat with other players, quest challenges to be completed, or better their skills and experience in available features. Players can interact with each other through chatting, trading, and combat. There are different cooperative minigames for player interaction.

First-time players have a tutorial available to gain the necessary information and skills required to play RuneScape. There are also some tutors available in the game and samples of items needed for various skills.


RuneScape is one of the top multiplayer online games featuring both a free and subscription option for players. The game features a fantasy realm through which players travel while engaging in set challenges.

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